The day-to-day happenings of the GCC family.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Well, VBS is over. It was a BLAST! Here's a 'bit on it from our Journal, the monthly publication from GCC. Comment here if you're not receiving that and would like to.

VBS, By the Numbers

Over 125 people worked together to erect the biggest castle in Georgetown. 2 Tornado warnings and countless thunderstorms passed through our area before VBS began. Over 300 KIDS registered. Average attendance hovered at 250. On average 75 people helped each day. Far beyond 3000 cookies were eaten. $1288 and 2559 cans were brought for the Food Pantry, and as a result at the packed out Medieval Banquet, 3 heads got buzzed! Thanks GCC!!!!! =)


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